The Argument
I lovèd Theotormon,
And I was not ashamèd;
I trembled in my virgin fears
And I hid in Leutha’s vale!
I pluckèd Leutha’s flower,
And I rose up from the vale;
But the terrible thunders tore
My virgin mantle in twain.
Enslav’d, the Daughters of Albion weep; a trembling lamentation
Upon their mountains; in their valleys, sighs toward America.
For the soft soul of America, Oothoon, wander’d in woe
Along the vales of Leutha, seeking flowers to comfort her;
And thus she spoke to the bright Marigold of Leutha’s vale:-
Art thou a flower? art thou a nymph? I see thee now a flower,
Now a nymph! I dare not pluck thee from thy dewy bed!
The Golden nymph replied: `Pluck thou my flower, Oothoon the mild!
Another flower shall spring, because the soul of sweet delight
Can never pass away.’ She ceas’d, and clos’d her golden shrine.
Then Oothoon pluck’d the flower, saying: `I pluck thee from thy bed,
Sweet flower, and put thee here to glow between my breasts;
And thus I turn my face to where my whole soul seeks.’
Over the waves she went in wing’d exulting swift delight,
And over Theotormon’s reign took her impetuous course.
Bromion rent her with his thunders; on his stormy bed
Lay the faint maid, and soon her woes appall’d his thunders hoarse.
Bromion spoke: `Behold this harlot here on Bromion’s bed,
And let the jealous dolphins sport around the lovely maid!
Thy soft American plains are mine, and mine thy north and south:
Stamp’d with my signet are the swarthy children of the sun;
They are obedient, they resist not, they obey the scourge;z
Their daughters worship terrors and obey the violent.
Now thou may’st marry Bromion’s harlot, and protect the child
Of Bromion’s rage, that Oothoon shall put forth in nine moons’ time.’
Then storms rent Theotormon’s limbs: he roll’d his waves around,
And folded his black jealous waters round the adulterate pair.
Bound back to back in Bromion’s caves, terror and meekness dwell:
At entrance Theotormon sits, wearing the threshold hard
With secret tears; beneath him sound like waves on a desert shore
The voice of slaves beneath the sun, and children bought with money,
That shiver in religious caves beneath the burning fires
Of lust, that belch incessant from the summits of the earth.
door William Blake

tekstbron: Digital Poets Society
opgenomen in WEEKBLADEN #49 - transmutaties van de middenstem
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