in residue ant as reside
coffers descry State of
Loss / engagemerch
experiential egg-dimension
like a nodding bar lean
conducted / miracles in
another soup / we lack
dancers and we look
defined / rotting feathers
in a whirl of token aughts
in residue ant as reside in a whirl of token aughts
coffers descry State of defined / rotting feathers
Loss / engagemerch dancers and we look
experiential egg-dimension another soup / we lack
conducted / miracles in like a nodding lark bean
nodding lark bean as reside in a whirl of token aughts
soup / we lack of defined / rotting feathers
and we look / engagemerch dancers
conducted / miracles in an egg-dimension another
nodding lark bean
as reside in a whirl of
token aughts soup
we lack and we look
engagemerch dancers
defined rotting feathers
conducted miracles in
another egg-dimension
sifting through the clouds
follow the signs follow the
silos / traditionally the day
since spreading boundaries
were still over the knife &
understory hasten our joys
clouds sifting through the
the follow the signs follow
day silos / traditionally the
boundaries since spreading
knife & were still over the
joys understory hasten our
clouds sifting through the
sifting through the
the the signs follow
day silos / the
boundaries since
knife & were still the
joys hasten our
sifting through the
sifting through
the the signs
day silos
knife & were still
joys hasten
sifting through
through through
sifting the signs
hasten silos
joys still & were
door Jim Leftwich

tekstbron: inzending ontvangen op 18/06/2021
opgenomen in WEEKBLADEN #55 - to waxen thy mirth
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